
Yoga had quite an impact on my life. A groundbreaking impact indeed, that changed so much, so drastically, for the better. The following timeline is trying to put all the different places/learnings/teachings I was opportune to experience during my journey in semantic and chronological context. If you prefer an even more visual context, visit the Map.

As one of my best teachers always used to say:

Make your breath louder than your thoughts

The Timeline:

Oldest first
Newest first
  • Initial Yoga Teacher Training
    May 2018

    Initial Yoga Teacher Training

    Samma Karuna, Thailand

    This is where it all began. Struggling deeply with depression and addiction I quit my job as developer in Barcelona, started travelling and discovered Yoga. I enrolled in a 200h Yoga Teacher Training Course at Samma Karuna, Koh Phangan, Thailand, an eye-opening experience that changed my life forever. It was also a pretty brutal journey, starting with no flexibility at all. But I have been practicing and teaching Yoga since.

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  • First public studio/resort classes
    July 2018

    First public studio/resort classes

    Wonderland, Orion, The Yoga Retreat

    I was given the opportunity to start teaching right away, which made the transition to indeed teaching Yoga much easier. I started giving classes at Wonderland, The Yoga Retreat and Orion Healing Center on the island of Koh Phangan – three beautiful retreat centers with many activities centered around Yoga and hundreds of guests. I remember vividly my first classes: I was absolutely terrified, but also excited and just completely in the flow. I instantly loved it!

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  • Yoga for Muay Thai Kickboxers
    August 2018 – March 2019

    Yoga for Muay Thai Kickboxers

    Koh Phangan, Thailand

    Leading the Yoga classes at the Diamond Muay Thai Dojo on Koh Phangan, Thailand for nearly 8 months was a tremendous experience. The synergies between Yoga and Muay Thai (or any other martial arts training) are incredibly beneficial. Yoga increases flexibility, grants extreme body control and movement accuracy, reduces the risk of injury, speeds up the mental and physical recovery, supports the more intense training regimes, and allows for more frequent trainings. Bringing the Yin to the Yang, a Yoga and Muay Thai success story!

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  • Yoga Nidra Certification
    October 2018

    Yoga Nidra Certification

    Koh Phangan, Thailand

    Yoga Nidra, the Yogic sleep is a fantastic tool to play around with the state of consciousness, like exploring this “going-to-sleep” stage (hypnagogia). I always wanted to learn more, and I was fortunate enough to be able to join a facilitation training with Betty Kah from Pujan Yoga, who has over forty years experience of yoga practice, teaching and working with all forms and levels of Yoga Nidra. It has since then become part of my practice and teaching.

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  • First private Yoga classes
    November 2018

    First private Yoga classes

    Koh Phangan, Thailand

    Perhaps you can imagine my excitement, when I was contacted to teach a private class for the first time. Private classes really are very different from groups, so it was yet another step for me. We met on the beach on Koh Phangan, had a wonderful practice and attracted some visitors (as you can see in the picture). I really enjoy the undivided focus on one student during a private class, perfect for individual alignment. If you feel we could be a good fit, contact me.

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  • Agape Zoe Holistic Gathering
    March 2019

    Agape Zoe Holistic Gathering

    Koh Phangan, Thailand

    In 2019, Agape Zoe, the worldwide holistic gathering was organised for the first time on Koh Phangan, Thailand. Five days of Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Workshops, Culture and Nature with local and international artists. This was my first occurrence teaching a Yoga class on such a festival. It was fantastic! Please book me again Toni :)

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  • Working with children in Bali
    April/May 2019

    Working with children in Bali

    Lovina, Indonesia

    The NGO Let’s Imagine partnered with the Bali Children Foundation to host a Yoga camp in Lovina, Northern Bali, with around 60-100 students aged 8-18. Their vision is to provide an educational pathway for disadvantaged Balinese children – a journey leading to growth and long term sustainability. What a humbling experience to have been part of this project, giving the poorest children of Bali a moment of peace and happiness through Yoga.

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  • Yoga Teacher at No Name
    June 2019

    Yoga Teacher at No Name

    Goa, India

    There is a 'No Name' hostel in Arambol, in the northern part of Goa, where I lived for 2 weeks after my very first arrival in India. I was given the opportunity to teach daily classes, on the rooftop, in sight of the ocean with monkeys watching our practice. The experience is a multi-cultural exchange in a space literally handcrafted by thousands of travellers. I recommend it deeply.

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  • Second Teacher Training Course
    July 2019

    Second Teacher Training Course

    Mysore, India

    I was already practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and I wanted to deepen my knowledge and also teach it. Therefore, I went to Mysore, India to participate in a 300h Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course at Ashtanga Yoga Mysore. These were 6 challenging and intense weeks of Primary and Intermediate Series of Ashtanga, a transformational experience. Ashtanga really opened my eyes for correct breathing, Pranayama and Anatomy, which I also started studying and teaching. It is the base of it all, the Vinyasa.

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  • Teaching future teachers
    August 2019

    Teaching future teachers

    Dharamshala, India

    I was asked to join the team of Yoga teachers for an upcoming 200h teacher training at Chinmay Yoga in Dharamshala, India. This was a dream come true in one of the most stunning places on this planet, the Himalayas. I was an alignment teacher working alongside the head teacher and gained invaluable insights during these weeks. The picture actually shows parts of McLeod Ganj, the little town where the Dalai Lama resides, while in exile in India. Unfortunately, I was not able to see him at that occasion.

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  • The Buddhist Monastery
    September - December 2019

    The Buddhist Monastery

    Pokhara, Nepal

    I always wanted to visit Nepal, and when I arrived in Pokhara, the second biggest city of the country, I was invited to live in a Buddhist Monastery in exchange for teaching Yoga. I mean, could it get any better? It did, I met the 2 brothers, Amit and Rajesh. Together we established a yoga retreat center called Holy Garden Yoga, overlooking Phewa Lake and surrounded by Himalayan mountains. The Buddha statue in the picture actually sits on top of the Yoga Shala, which was always a sight to behold.

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  • Interview with Radio Safalta
    September 2019

    Interview with Radio Safalta

    Pokhara, Nepal

    In September 2019 I was interviewed by Radio Safalta in Pokhara, Nepal about the background and benefits of Yoga and more specific Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This was part of their Talkies Series, where foreigners who engage in social activities in Nepal are interviewed about their projects. You can listen to the full interview on my Youtube channel.

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  • The Ashtanga Pokhara community
    November 2019

    The Ashtanga Pokhara community

    Pokhara, Nepal

    I noticed a lack of and a demand for Ashtanga classes in Pokhara, but no community or teachers. So I created an Ashtanga Pokhara Facebook group to inform and coordinate, as well as started to teach daily Mysore style and led Ashtanga Primary series. I also trained my friend Rajesh to take over, when I should leave. It was such a good time...

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  • Yoga trek to Panchase Peak
    December 2019

    Yoga trek to Panchase Peak

    Annapurna Region, Nepal

    To finish this crazy year I worked with Kamala Yoga to facilitate a 3-day Yoga trek to Panchase Peak starting from Pokhara, Nepal. Excellent weather and stunning views of the Annapurna range as a daily companion, an awesome group from Australia and Yoga to top it all off. Trekking and Yoga is such a good combination – I will keep offering this, as long as I live here in Nepal. You can see a video of this trek on my YouTube channel.

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  • Yoga Fest Pokhara
    January 2020

    Yoga Fest Pokhara

    Pokhara, Nepal

    I was part of the Yoga Fest in Pokhara, Nepal, a cooperation of YogConnection, The Juicery Café and me with around 40 people from all over the world. Pokhara is in the Annapurna area of Nepal, and this is the reason why you get this amazing mix of travellers, characters and stories.

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  • Teaching future teachers 2.0
    February 2020

    Teaching future teachers 2.0

    Pokhara, Nepal

    My second opportunity to teach at a Yoga teacher training. Himalayan Yogini is a well established Yoga School in Pokhara, Nepal and we had a very small group of 7 students for a 200h course. I introduced them to a variety of different Yoga styles and traditions and again, gained some invaluable knowledge of how to conduct such courses.

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  • First Yoga retreat
    March 2020

    First Yoga retreat

    Pokhara, Nepal

    In March 2020 I had the opportunity to organise my first Yoga retreat at a small scale. 2 weeks with Yoga, meditation, walks in the mountains, excellent Nepali food (Dal bhat!) and a beautiful location 10min from Pokhara lakeside in an beautiful area called Happy Village (Khapaudi). It was fantastic – more to come! The Covid-19 pandemic hit Nepal just when the retreat finished, and the country went into lockdown.

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  • TTC Anatomy Teacher
    April 2020

    TTC Anatomy Teacher

    Pokhara, Nepal

    And it happened again! I was asked to teach at a teacher training course at the Pokhara Yoga School, this time anatomy. I was thrilled. I love anatomy. For me anatomy is more important than any tradition – if the anatomy of your body doesn't allow a certain movement, adapt and variate. I was humbled to teach two daily anatomy classes during a 200 and 300 hour Yoga teacher training to about 30 students. This was my first time teaching anatomy and definitely not the last!

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  • Ashtanga Teacher | Casa Chakras

    Ashtanga Teacher | Casa Chakras

    Cozumel, Mexico

    Miel and Alexis created Casa Chakras, a Yoga retreat center on the island of Cozumel in Mexico. Together we offer experiences centered around Yoga and the Ocean. The location is absolutely breath-taking, come visit us :)

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  • Group Classes | Lotus Vibe

    Group Classes | Lotus Vibe

    Bansko, Bulgaria

    Ashtanga classes surrounded by the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria where Aksiniya created Lotus Vibe, a Yoga studio with absolutely crazy views. Bansko is a ski resort full of hikers in the summer with a super relaxed atmosphere.

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Congratulations, you made it all the way here!

I hope you enjoyed the ride :)

Ah, one more thing:

Inspired by Ty Landrum.